View of sign in exhibition table

After exhibiting of the car to auction, professional inspectors examine the car and state an auction estimation depending on a car condition.

But depending on an auction place, there are small differences in system of estimations.

The system of estimations is ordered in system below:

S, 6

The new car new or nearly so in perfect condition


The car in an excellent condition run to 60000 km


The excellent condition, is possible some small scratches and dents which are easily eliminated after small repair


The car in a good condition, scratches, dents, is repared places, replacement of details are possible


Visible scratches, dents, replacement of details is possible. Salon cleaning is probably necessary.


The car in the satisfactory condition, obvious dents and scratches, body repair is needed, probably dirty salon, burned places by cigarettes, repair with replacement of details of a body or knots was probably made


The car in bad condition, appreciable scratches and dents, probably bad salon, it is possible serious repair of  body is necessary . Or the car with the big run.


Bad condition of the car, as variants: it is a lot of rust, the car has got under a hailstones, "drowned", after strong failure and badly restored. Serious repair is probably necessary.


The car qualitatively repaired after failure

R1, RA

The emergency car restored probably with intervention in bearing designs of a body. Also probably modernized car, as a rule "the sports models, undergone to essential alterations, tuning works"


The emergency car and not restored, probably not on the move




A1 - A scratch on a varnish

A- a scratch

A2 - A scratch on a paint

B,U - a dent

A3 - A scratch on metal

P- the painted place

A4 - A scratch more than 20 sm

C- a rust

A5 - The scratch probably on all panel and is more

S- oxidation

G- a scratch or small crack on a front glass

W -repaired or painted place

W1 - Invisible repair


W2 - Visible repair

U1 - A small dent less than 5 cm

W3 ? Very visible repair

U2 - A dent about 10 cm

X- detail replacement is required

U3 - A dent more than 12 cm

XX- the detail is replaced

E- a small dent from a stone

BP - it is dent and painted

M- updating-tuning

Salon estimation

Y- a crack

A- pure salon, an ideal condition


B- a good condition, probably a little dirty,


C - the satisfactory condition, probably cleaning necessary, probably burned places by cigarettes


D- the polluted salon, probably is to a scratch, probably burned places by cigarettes, cuts on a covering




The car estimation has the general character, in it is considered: run, a condition of a body, salon, but it has subjective character, therefore completely it is not necessary to rely on it. Obvious problems with the engine, a suspension bracket are specified in the notes handwritten by the inspector, but specially a condition of the engine, transmissions etc. do not check. Therefore at a choice of the car it is better to be guided not only by an estimation, but also on run - the run less, the it is less probability of presence of technical problems at the car.

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